Regional Planning Projects
The MPO’s Regional Planning staff manages projects that both support direct implementation of the Southern Nevada Strong regional plan and provide research and technical assistance to regional partners that assist in their SNS implementation efforts.
Below are current and recently-completed studies and projects.
Community Data Webmap – Distribution of key socioeconomic data designed to help users better understand the region’s population and aid in community engagement efforts.
Community Engagement Toolkit – Collection of resources for advancing public participation and conducting community engagement, both in-person and online/virtual.
Federal Grants Competitiveness – Collaborative effort that resulted in the development of a regionally-focused strategy for improving grant capacity and competitiveness, as well as a four-part workshop series aimed at better equipping nonprofits to secure federal grants.
Healthy Food Access Webmap – Designed to assist regional partners working to expand healthy food access, this interactive map allows users to identify areas where residents may lack convenient access to healthy food options.
Livable Centers – The Livable Centers Program aims to create quality, walkable, mixed-use places, increase multi-modal travel choices, improve environmental quality, and promote economic development, housing choices, and better health outcomes.
Regional Housing Inventory – To better understand Southern Nevada’s housing needs and inform current and future policies and planning efforts, this analysis examines the healthy balance between jobs and housing, current affordability and future needs, and the diversity of existing housing types.
Regional Sustainability Planning Tools & Techniques – To help inform future sustainability planning in Southern Nevada, this project examined approaches and frameworks used by other regions in their climate-related works, as well as catalogued best practices for approaching this work.
Southern Nevada Extreme Heat Vulnerability Analysis – Through the development of a heat vulnerability index and map, the “Southern Nevada Extreme Heat Vulnerability Analysis” identifies areas in the region where populations are most vulnerable to extreme heat.