The City of North Las Vegas selected Downtown North Las Vegas (DTNLV) to be a Southern Nevada Strong (SNS) Opportunity Site for its potential to become a vibrant downtown hub and regional cultural destination – to identify opportunities and barriers and suggest projects, policies, and programs which could be implemented in order to better position the area for revitalization and redevelopment. These findings were initially documented in the SNS Downtown North Las Vegas Implementation Strategies Report (2015), serving as a guide to help the City of North Las Vegas incorporate and implement SNS’s regional planning and policy goals into their local work.

As a living document, the Downtown North Las Vegas Implementation Strategies report was updated in 2020 to reflect the changing conditions and progress that’s been made since its adoption in late 2014. Much progress has been made (see Progress section, pages 22-34). The Downtown North Las Vegas SNS Opportunity Site 5-year Progress Report assesses progress on these implementation strategies and provides updated strategies for continued implementation of SNS’s regional planning and policy goals in DTNLV.

About the DTNLV Opportunity Site

The vision for DTNLV is to:

“Create a safe, mixed-use, connected, walkable community that supports local businesses and offers a variety of family-friendly amenities.”

Currently, DTNLV is primarily characterized by two auto-centric commercial corridors, Las Vegas Blvd. and Lake Mead Blvd. These corridors host a number of destinations and eclectic businesses as well as many of the city’s civic services. Additionally, DTNLV is home to several older, well-established, single-family residential neighborhoods. Like many downtowns nationwide, DTNLV experienced disinvestment and neglect towards the end of the 20th-century, but boasts many opportunities for revitalization. Its central location is easily accessible from most parts of the region, and the underdeveloped landscape provides many opportunities for infill and redevelopment. The city has invested heavily in improved infrastructure, amenities, and redevelopment opportunities, and new development and businesses have begun to pop up in recent years.

The Downtown North Las Vegas SNS Opportunity Site 5-year Progress Report identifies six goals for continuing to progress regional planning goals in DTNLV:

  1. Improve safety for all transportation modes
  2. Create a safe and attractive environment
  3. Improve district identity
  4. Support existing businesses and create opportunities
  5. Support building rehabilitation and new development
  6. Facilitate ongoing coordination of the implementation strategies

The Downtown North Las Vegas SNS Opportunity Site 5-year Progress Report provides suggestions and strategies for progressing these goals as well.